Main Switchboard Installations

Helping your power your property

From farms to industrial processing plants we can help keep your moving.

Food Processor

 We can help you or your business with all main switchboard installations. Just contact us either by phone or email and we will give you a quote for your requirements.

What is an Electrical Switchboard?

A switchboard is the power distribution for a building.  It enables the direction of the electrical currents.  When an appliance is in use a switchboard will provide the power.

Switchboards can be upgraded with new wiring, switches, fuses and circuit breakers rather than a complete installation of a new unit.  This can be very economical as it reduces the time and therefore the expense.

At ICES we always recommend the services of a professional electrician for this work.  With over 20 years’ experience our team headed by John Leaver have been replacing switchboards in businesses and homes. 

When Should a Switchboard be Replaced?

Most of us add more electrical devices to our home and therefore place a greater load on our power supply and switchboard.  The time to replace your switchboard is when it becomes outdated or overloaded.  Signs of this are if the power automatically shuts off when you are trying to run two or more appliances at one time, if your lights start to flicker and if you are having to replace fuses frequently.  Your switchboard should definitely be replaced if the current one is an old ceramic fuse box.